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IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) focuses on our mission and measures success by achieving mission-related goals. We could not successfully deliver our mission without the time, talent, and expertise of our volunteers. Great governance provides the vision and direction to ensure that an association is on the right path. The responsibility for governing IMA rests with the volunteer Global Board of Directors, operating according to a set of bylaws and working in close collaboration with the organization’s chief executive officer to set strategic direction, provide necessary resources, and make key decisions.

We are currently accepting applications for senior volunteer roles on the Global Board of Directors. Prior to submitting an application, candidates must review the Global Board of Directors' Requirements video to ensure they understand the criteria to be considered for a Global Board position. After watching the video, please click the link below to submit an application.


Applicants must review the Global Board of Directors' video in its entirety before they are eligible to complete an application.

Key qualities and requirements of a highly qualified candidate include but are not limited to:

•Strategic and Innovative Thinker

 •Global Perspective

•Volunteer Nonprofit Board Leadership Experience

•Understanding of Board Governance Fiduciary Responsibilities

•Executive Temperament and Emotional Intelligence

•CMA preferred

•Ability to Meet Time and Travel Requirements

•IMA member in good standing

*All application responses and attachments must be submitted in English. 

To submit an application to serve as an IMA Global Board of Director, please click here

To submit an application to serve as Chair-Elect, Standing Board Committee Chair, or Regional Advisory Committee Chair, please click here